Sunday, November 7, 2010


Blogging was easier in the beginning. More daily revelations. More things to think about. Things now are routine. Go to work, come home, workout, eat dinner, make next day's lunch, repeat.

Weekends have been relatively quiet. No going out until 4 in the morning. No going out for dinner. That said, none of this is really a bad thing. I've been in a good mood and have been feeling good, just not very interesting.

Met up with Ian today and we headed down to Yokohama to workout with Patrick. We did today's PCP workout and it wasn't awful, but I couldn't get through all of it. Chest dips were a joke, planks were their usual fail, but all of it is getting better.

Came to a scary realization on the way home. I weigh 109 kilos and have 20% visceral fat. That works out to 48 pounds of fat in my gut. 3 bowling balls. Add in a few wetsuits worth of subcutaneous fat on top of that. And this is a massive improvement over where I was 2 months ago. Wow, scary. Going to think about that when I don't feel like working out tomorrow.


  1. Monotonously healthy days are the KEY to real change.

  2. Nice work man, it's a lifelong process to get and stay healthy, just the first step, but you are on your way...
