Tuesday, November 2, 2010

not much to report

No news is good news. Meals are still fairly boring. Exercise is still hard. Jumping is getting better. After 67 I hit new high scores at 84 and 99. Then my rope broke. Going out to pick up a new one in the morning. All good.

Been a bit frustrated about lack of progress, but then realize that I'm down 9 kilos in 6 weeks. What was I expecting? What took 35 years to do doesn't get undone in 6 weeks. Came to the realization that while this will keep ramping up (and I look forward to continuing the ride) I could stop now and just continue at this level or less and would still keep moving in the right direction. That thought really set my mind at ease. I don't need to keep up this pace forever for things to be better. I think the most important thing so far is just some changing of basic habits. How, when and what to eat. Less pizza, more vegetables. Sounds so simple when you put it that way. Do some exercise. Not standing around a gym staring at machines. Just simple work.

All that said, I really want to go out to dinner and not have to cook (or blend as the case may be). Give me some Indian food, or Thai food, or a good burger. Mmm... burger.


  1. Wait - you guys said it wouldn't be tough to eat right in this place! ;)

    I'm in town, let's see how we can meet up?

  2. That's the most surprising thing about this stuff, how STUPID OBVIOUS it is once you stop talking about changing and start doing it!

  3. dude 9 kilos....think about it thats fabulous! Keep plugging brian before you know it you will be down 20 ,,,,you and I down 20 Im taking you for dinner and drinks. Jo Jo en of course!

  4. Saw BG today and rode the subway home with him. Had not seen him in a suit in ages and he was simply swimming in it. His face has slimmed dramatically. Really really impressive. BG-I know you are having a tough time with the time management but you look so much healthier and your mood/attitude is greatly improved. This has done you a world of good. Really proud of you.
