Sunday, September 26, 2010

eating out

After a week of eating every meal except for 3 workday lunches in my apartment I decided I needed to get out for lunch today. I'm not on grams yet so still have a lot of flexibility in what I eat. I went for a walk around Akasaka looking for something that comes close to the concept of real food and realized the options were insanely slim.

The walk was an eye opener. Obviously McDonalds and Burger King were out, but there are lots of non-chain restaurants in Akasaka. Some of them need to be healthy. There is a macrobiotic place that might fit the bill, but it was closed. Some of the rest might not be horrible, but couldn't find much that would live up to even the simple standards I'm on at this point. Avoiding salt, taking it easy with oil, eating "real food" and avoiding the processed stuff. Really shouldn't be that hard.

Ended up at a sushi place, figured how bad can that be? I got a maguro set. Fish, rice, wasabi, nori... all should be ok. Skipped the miso (no idea what's actually in that) and barely touched the shoyu or gari. Talked to Benson later and he told me that shari has sugar and salt in it. D'oh! Moral of the story, eating out looks like it is off the table for a few months. I can understand why the PCPers who are traveling are having such a hard time. I'm in HK for a few days in 2 weeks, need to start thinking now about how to handle that.


  1. I dream of a world where eating out isn't a choice between crap and crappier. In all of Tokyo I can think of maybe 10 places that you can have a Foundation friendly meal.

  2. Just making sure I wasn't wrong about the sushi but it does look like it is very common to add both sugar and salt to the rice. It sounds like for every 2 cups of rice, many use 2 teaspoons of salt and 1/4 cup of sugar. I wonder about the seaweed. I like the way it tastes with rice but it must be very high in sodium-no?

  3. Hey dude don't stress about eating in HK. Dunno exactly what your diet will be like by the time you're here but there are actually plenty of make your own salad type joints, etc. Or I can double up on the tupperware for a couple days if you want to grab lunch Or you can come over for dinner some night and we can eat vegetables and talk about how bad Block is at fantasy football.

  4. Thanks Bill. Most true statement on this blog so far... Block really is awful at fantasy football.

  5. Traveling is a bit of a pain, but very doable, you can generally get stuff how you need it, or at the very least you can get damn close. Yeah, you guys talk about that while you do each others nails.
