Saturday, September 25, 2010

time management

One week in. I've gotten the exercise in every day, but this week was easy. No work Monday and Thursday made it simple to find time for the workout. Friday I didn't get home from work until 7, dreaded working out for a bit, started the workout at 8 and ended up not making dinner until about 9:30. I suspect that's going to be more and more standard. I'm going to have to think about how to manage my time better with full work weeks coming up. I suppose the answer is to wake up earlier and get the workout out of the way early, but I really, really hate mornings.

The revelation for today was realizing that I've felt great at the end of every workout, but still dread starting them. I'm hoping at some point my brain decides this is good for me and makes me feel good and I can start looking forward to the workouts, but for now they're a chore and my brain doesn't like the idea of it.


  1. Can you get the exercise done at lunch?

  2. There's a gym a few doors down from the office, might try it.
