Thursday, October 28, 2010

new high score

67 is my new number to beat. 67 jumps in a row today, still making progress. At 67 I tripped and I was kinda happy about that because the legs were burning and breathing was ragged. Rock on, good stuff.

I saw a funny joke today. Ready? 5 planks for 40 seconds each! Hahahahahaha. Yeah, I thought it was funny too.

5 or 6 sets of everything. Can't do that many of most things so end up with a lot of failing. The connotation for that word is changing for me. Failing used to be something bad and to be avoided. Now it is a sign you're doing it right and burning the muscle like crazy. Feeling way too upbeat at the moment. I'm sure another crash is coming, but feeling great right now.


  1. 67 is very respectable. Failing is succeeding when it comes to burning your muscles out. I fear the plank but it works incredibly well.

  2. the plank is a just a little bit of torture, especially when it comes after another ab exercise, but certainly gets the job done man...fight thru the pain
