Sunday, October 10, 2010

back in Tokyo

Got through the weekend in HK without going off the reservation, but did it by not eating enough. Skipped a few meals and parts of meals when I just couldn't find anything that worked. I was outright relieved when I got home and started cutting up vegetables for dinner. Very strange.

Went out on Saturday night with some friends to a birthday party. Sat around a bar drinking bottles of overpriced water for an hour before I bailed. Bars just aren't that entertaining when you're the only one there not drinking.

Shoulders are burning, biceps are burning, ankle is back to being in pain. Meat Loaf said it best, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.


  1. Might have to do with the people who are in the bars...

  2. The foundation is definitely improving after seeing you yesterday.

  3. This is all good pain. The pain of GROWTH.
