Tuesday, October 12, 2010

more jumping

Like last week the Tuesday workout was basically a day off with just 500 jumps. Only the second time trying jumping, it was a little better than last week but not much. Was consistently getting 5-10 jumps, got as many as 15 in one go. Sad as that is it is a massive improvement over last week. Like a few of the other guys, my ankle is killing me. Once I get into the workout it feels ok and I managed to jump on it today without a problem, but I'm limping during the day. Hopefully it works itself out.

Exercises this week were great. Everything is burning since I'm doubled up on muscle groups each day, and it feels good. Lower abs are clearly the weak point. Hardest things to do are bicycles, leg ups and planks... all the same problem spot. The workout itself is fun, the cardio is boring... guess that's the way it is.


  1. Yep, jumping can do a number on the joints. Keep trying every few days, there's a lot of body architecture down there that needs bulwarking before you can whip out 1000 jumps on demand.

  2. The first week of jumps the soles of my feet were killing. I do not get this any more and the jumps come more naturally. Trust me BG stick with it and the jumping gets much better pretty quickly. I still look like an ass doing them but what the hell.

  3. My feet are still getting used to it, but you'll find it gets easier and easier, I actually think keeping the hands in a somewhat stable position so you can generate a steady momentum is the toughest part or sustaining a high number of jumps in a row...
