Friday, October 8, 2010

in HK

Flew down to HK last night, spending the weekend sightseeing here with my parents.

Wednesday was a normal day. Got home too late. Started on the new set of workouts. Lunges are a whole lot harder after 20 mins of climbing stairs and leg ups manage to be even worse coming right after sit ups. I guess that's the point, all good.

Thursday was my first real disappointing day. I was at work at 6:45, home from work at 6 and needed to be on a flight at 8:30. Got to my hotel in HK just after 1am. Kept looking for a way to get the workout in and just couldn't do it. Blocky was also right. Airport terminals and airplanes are no place to try to eat healthy. Had a bit of cold soba with no sauce and an apple for dinner. Figured eating far too little was better than eating junk doused in sauces. Felt like garbage.

On a happier note did yesterday's workout this morning. I'll double up on either Sunday or Monday and do one in the morning and one at night then I'll be caught up.

Today I was introduced to the plank. I know this was Fish's favorite. I saw it on the sheet and figured how bad can 35 seconds x 3 be? Dumb question. I kept my hands loose, but they were still shaking by the end of the third set. I can only imagine once this gets into minutes instead of seconds. I feel great though!


  1. Dude you're in HK? Sent you a msg to your p.a. long you in town for? Give me a shout, maybe for a workout early Sunday a.m. before you go sightseeing?
