Monday, October 25, 2010


Ups and downs, but all good.

Yesterday I got the best compliment I've had so far. Ran into a friend I haven't seen in about 6 weeks on the street. He's been out of town and I'm pretty sure he has no idea I'm doing this project. First words out of his mouth were asking me if I've lost weight. He's not the kinda guy who asks that every time he sees you, so I actually believed it. Hearing it from people who know I'm working on it is one thing, hearing it from someone who has no idea is a different story.

On the flip side I took a really good look at myself in the mirror today. I'm somewhere between huge and gigantic. I was even bigger 5 weeks ago, but there are still miles between here and any sort of normal reasonable place. Oh well. Getting from point A to point B is a process, not an event. Key is that I'm actually taking the steps to do something about it instead of just looking at that long path, deciding it is too much effort and ordering a pizza. Mmm... pizza.

Left foot started hurting yesterday, skipped the jumping. Right ankle went back to hurting today, now I'm limping again. Cut out jumping again today and did some extra jogging. Of course with the limp it was more like fast limping than jogging, but the heart was pumping and I kept going for about 40 minutes so all good. Got through the strength part of the exercise. Still failing at the end of most things, but all good. I might not be there yet, but I know how to get there.


  1. yeah brian think we are all in the same boat the past couple weeks! Heck our days are mentally and physically exhausting but keep pushing! All worth it in the end! Hear you are looking great! Meet tomorrow for a few pints? Not a chance!!

  2. All these small steps are gonna add up to one great result man, you'll be on the beach in shimoda next summer and none of the chicks benson boned in 2010 will recognize you!! Jump rope messed with my leg for the first month or more, and then it finally started to feel ok so just keep pushing it a bit...

  3. You're doing great man. As you said the most important thing is that you're SHOWING UP, day in and day out. That's more than 95% of people ever do.
