Monday, October 18, 2010

noticing a pattern

Today was 45 minutes of jogging day. Got home from work and could not make myself go out to run. Took well over an hour of fighting with myself before I went and did it. I know I sound like a broken record, but once I got into the jog it felt great. The legs that had been burning all day calmed down. Started to feel some burn in my back (that was a first) after yesterday's incline pull-ups and lawnmowers. Did the shoulders, now they hurt - but good hurt. For some reason I was super low energy today despite the fact that unlike the PCPers I'm still eating a good amount of food. Hopefully the energy bounces back tomorrow.


  1. Comes and goes my friend, I've been wiped recently, reading other blogs sounds like a lot of us are, but got to stay the course...would be a waste not to

  2. yeah man energy level pretty low here but feel really pos about the progress! Stick with it
