Saturday, October 16, 2010

time for a new rope

Friday was ok, just a late day. Got home from work about 6:30, sat down on the couch to check email and suddenly woke up about 8:30. Oops. Didn't start the workout until 9, ate dinner at 10:30. 45 minutes of jogging (fine, there was a fair amount of fast walking in there too) would have been impossible a month ago, now it is just boring. In food news I bought a steamer. Cooking veggies for dinner is suddenly a whole lot easier.

Worked out with Alex this morning. Did the jogging, skipped the steps and did some jumping instead. Turns out my rope sucks. Struggled jumping with my rope for a while then switched to his and knocked out 250 pretty easily. Managed to get over 20 in a row without too much trouble. I think my rope is too light and too short. Will be finding another one hopefully before I need to do 1000 jumps on Tuesday.

Working out with somebody else is a good thing. Time goes by faster and you push yourself a little bit harder.


  1. Yep, a sucky rope makes for sucky jumps. Get something nice and heavy.

  2. Brian go to Oshmans the have leather ropes with ball bearings in the handles really makes a huge difference

  3. Dude definitely upgrade, I was using a crap rope for the first 2wks, got a good one and now can do the jumps in probably half the time
