Friday, October 22, 2010

rough week

This week was rough. Hit a total mental wall. Had some serious self pity going on, was in a pretty bad mood. Definitely helped to see that most of the PCPers had the exact same thing going on. They all summed it up well, but the thing that stood out the most in my mind was Bill's comment on Blocky's post. That post was exactly what was going on in my head that day and that one comment turned it all around.

Nobody is making me do this, this IS how I want to be spending my time. I have zero free time during the week. I'm getting nowhere near enough sleep. I have no social life right now. That all lasts for 3 months. If three months is all it takes to get myself to a better place it is a bargain. I'm within striking distance of being down to the weight I was 3 years ago which was my lightest since college. That time the weight loss was due to drinking too much and not eating very much and there was no exercise involved. This is a much healthier approach and I can see differences in my body already. With nearly two months left I should be in better shape than I've been in my entire adult life by the time this ends. After that maybe I'll do PCP in January and kick it up to the next level and maybe I won't. Either way 3 months of pain and boredom is a small price to pay.


  1. Yeah man it gets real bleak in the middle here. Persevere and focus on the stuff you're GAINING rather than the sacrifices. All those people and bars and restaurants will be there when you finish.

    (The funny thing is you won't find them so enjoyable anymore)

  2. hang in there Brian Jason told me you are looking awesone!! heck I'll do another 90 days with you when you finish the foundations program and we can get TOOOOOOe up!!! Hang in it is worth it!! This morning the satisfaction of putting clothes on that I couldnt fit in to for 2 years made me feel awesome!! I know you know what I am talking about!
